Love is the Greater Labyrinth, by Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, translated by The UCLA Working Group on the Comedia in Translation and Performance.
For her final play (Amor es más laberinto), Sor Juana updated the classical Greek myth of Theseus and the Minotaur for a late seventeenth-century Mexican audience. The Mexican playwright/philosopher/poet delivers subtle messages to new leaders of her time; not only by what she adds to the myth, but what she leaves out. With this new translation, the team at UCLA’s Center for 17th and 18th Century Studies brings Sor Juana’s play to an English speaking audience.
This volume is part of the Diversifying the Classics project at UCLA, which seeks to foster awareness and appreciation of the Hispanic Golden Age and give theater professionals the materials and tools to explore its rich tradition.
For more information, visit the UCLA project on the web: http://diversifyingtheclassics.humanities.ucla.edu/
Series: UCLA Center for 17th- and 18th-Century Studies. The Comedia in Translation and Performance, #15
ISBN 978-1-58871-390-2 (PB, 150 pp.) $25