"Panorama de la literatura española," by John E. Keller, Rafael Aguirre, and Nicholson B. Adams
IN THE EARLY 1960's, the original authors of this book (Adams and Keller) realized that there was a real need for a history of Spanish literature which could be used by university students to accompany any anthology in the area. The result was a Breve panorama de la literatura española. It was published in Spain, but was used in other countries as well, including the United States. In the early 1990's, the continuing authors (Keller and Aguirre), seeing that the need still existed, updated the book to include the three decades of literature since the first edition. The last chapter—on the contemporary period—is entirely new. Because of the added length, we removed Breve from the book’s title.
This volume preserves the principles of the of the original one in that it provides a handy and reliable guide to Spanish literature from the earliest times to the present. The book mainly offers facts to students and leaves interpretation to instructors and to students themselves. Panorama treats all the authors and works in any anthology and also many lesser-known authors that anthologies do not or cannot include.
As regards content, in addition to reference and brief treatments of authors and works, Panorama surveys principal literary movements from Spanish literature’s remote beginnings to the contemporary period.
Table of Contents
1 Hispania romana, visigoda y musulmana. La lengua española
2 Los siglos XI y XII
3 El siglo XIII
4 El siglo XIV
5 El siglo XV
6 Renacimiento y humanismo
7 La edad de oro
8 El siglo XVIII
9 El romanticismo
10 El siglo XIX: su segunda mitad
11 La generación del ‘98
12 Los posnoventayochistas. La vanguardia. La generación del ‘27. La literatura contemporánea desde la guerra civil hasta hoy
ISBN 978-1-58871-086-4 (PB) $30