Noble Pursuits: Literature and the Hunt. Selected Articles by Dennis P. Seniff (Michigan State University). Edited by Diane M. Wright (Grand Valley State University) and Connie L. Scarborough (University of Cincinnati)
Table of Contents
Introduction by Diane M. Wright and Connie L. Scarborough
Preface by John Keller
Publications of Dennis Seniff
All the King's Men and All the King's Lands: The Nobility and Geography of the Libra de la caza and the Libra de la manteria
Falconry, Venery, and Fishing in the Cantigas de Santa Maria
"Asi fiz yo de lo que oy": Orality, Authority, and Experience in Juan Manuel's Libra de la caza, Libro infinida, and Libra de las armas
Planes of Time in the Libra de buen amor
Bernardo Gordonio's Lilio de medicina: A Possible Source of Celestina?
Introduction to Natural Law in Didactic, Scientific, and Legal Treatises in Medieval Iberia
"Munchos libros buenos": The New MSS of Alfonso XI’s Libro de la monteria and Moamyn/Alfonso X’s Libro de las animalias que cacan
Aproximaci6n a la oralidad y textualidad en la prosa castellana medieval
The Hunt in Medieval Spain and the Romancero Histórico: Epic Poetry, Lyric Poetry, and Reality
Tabula in Honorem
Series: Homenajes #8
ISBN: 0-936388-55-2 (HB, 184 pp.) $45