An Award Winner!
Making Sense of the Senses: Current Approaches in Spanish Comedia Criticism, edited by Yolanda Gamboa and Bonnie Gasior.
Yolanda Gamboa and Bonnie Gasior introduce eleven essays on Spanish comedia criticism in this award-winning collection of articles in honor of famed Hispanist Charles Ganelin. The book is divided into two themed parts: The Senses and Cognition. This book won the 2020 Vern Williamsen Comedia Book Prize, awarded once every three years from the AHCT (Association for Hispanic Classical Theater).
Here are the contents:
Part I: The Senses
Viewing/Sensing a New World: Lope de Vega’s El nuevo mundo descubierto por Cristóbal Colón; Frederick A. de Armas
Suitors, the Senses, and Succession in Lope’s El mejor mozo de España; Catherine Larson
From the Palace to the Stage: Exploring Images of Taste in the Early Modern Era; Carolyn Nadeau
Smell in the Comedia/Smellin’ the Comedia; Steven Wagschal
Do You See What I See? Looking and Seeing in Three Plays by Lope; William Blue
Part II: Cognition
Misprisioner’s Dilemma: Game Theory and Sonic Seepage in Lope de Vega’s Mujeres y criados; Bruce Burningham
The Sensual Gamble in Mira de Amescua’s La casa del tahúr; Gwyn Campbell
The Making of a King: Sensing and Understanding in Calderón de la Barca’s La vida es sueño; Isabel Jaén
Narrative Imagination in La dama duende; Howard Mancing
El todo teatral: Magic on the Eighteenth-Century Spanish Stage; Susan Paun de García
Acting and Believing: Mirror Neurons, Simulation, and Quarantine in Lo fingido verdadero; Barbara Simerka
Series: Homenajes, 50
ISBN: 978-1-58871-298-1 (HB) $60
ISBN: 978-1-58871-299-8 (PB) $50