Los estatutos de limpieza de sangre: controversias entre los siglos XV y XVII by Albert A. Sicroff
This book, a re-edition of Sicroff's 1985 Spanish work, is a detailed study of the "pure blood" statutes of the 15th century in Spain, representing pivotal moments in the development of the pure blood theme beginning with the Sentencia-Estatuto of Toledo in 1449 and ending with Fray Geronimo de la Cruz's Defensa in 1637. The study also focuses on the controversies to which the statutes gave rise and the far-reaching consequences of Spain's preoccupation with blood purity, finally suggesting the importance of an awareness of the theme in dealing with a variety of aspects of Golden Age Spain, in particular the honor theme in literature.
Series: Estudios judeo-españoles «Samuel Armistead y Joseph Silverman», #6
ISBN 978-1-58871-177-9 (436 pp, PB) $60