Los españoles en Chile, by Francisco González de Bustos, edited by Benito Quintana (University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa).
This drama fictionalizes pivotal events in the early wars of the conquest of Chile (first period, 1550-1598), specifically the wars that took place between 1557 and 1558 between the Spaniard García Hurtado de Mendoza (Marqués de Cañete) and the Mapuche people lead by Caupolicán. The central drama as fictionalized by the comediante is framed by the siege of the Spanish fort of Santa Fe and the battle of Purén (actually Millaraupe, 1557), and ends with the death of Caupolicán (1558) by order of don García. González de Bustos’s representation of these wars of conquest focuses on the romantic relationships between Spaniards and Araucanians which, full of intrigue, deceit, and double cross-dressing, provide as much humor as history. ~From the Introduction
Series: Ediciones críticas, #68
ISBN: 978-1-58871-223-3 (PB, 214 pp.) $40