Dante's Divina Comedia: A Linguistic Study and Critical Edition of a Fifteenth-Century Spanish Translation Attributed to Enrique de Villena, by Teresa M. Bargetto-Andrés.
This critical edition of a fifteenth-century Spanish translation of Dante's Divina Comedia attributed to Enrique de Villena includes the Infierno, Purgatorio, and Paraíso as the texts appear in manuscript 10186 of the Biblioteca Nacional de Madrid. The Introduction lays the groundwork for a greater understanding of Villena’s work within the context of fifteenth-century translation culture in Spain. Additionally, light is cast on the most controversial arguments that surround the manuscript: problems of provenance, ownership, authorship, completion date, dictation, and hypothetical and extant manuscripts. Moreover, a carefully composed glossary of the undocumented terms found in the translation, as well as many others that provide further insight into the history of the Spanish language, illuminates our understanding of Medieval Spanish.
Series: Ediciones críticas, #58
ISBN 978-1-58871-185-4 (HB) $60