"Anthology of Latin-American Fantastic Short Stories (1800-1930)," edited by Ethan Sharp and José M. Martínez

"Anthology of Latin-American Fantastic Short Stories (1800-1930)," edited by Ethan Sharp and José M. Martínez

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"Anthology of Latin-American Fantastic Short Stories (1800-1930)," edited by Ethan Sharp and José M. Martínez

The literary movements of Romanticism, Realism/Naturalism, Modernism, and Avant-Garde are represented in this unique collection of stories of the fantastic, compiled and annotated by Sharp and Martínez. English marginal glosses and footnotes abound in this edition of fascinating stories that will be compelling to students. Here are the contents: 

Introduction to Students: Latin American Literature, 19th Century Short Fiction, and Fantastic Literature
   The Beginnings of Fantastic Literature in Latin America Post-Romantic, Modernista and Pre-Avantgarde Fantastic Literature

Gertrudis Gómez de Avellaneda: “El aura blanca”
Juana Manuela Gorriti: “Coincidencias”
Juan Vicente Camacho: “La estatua de bronce”
José María Roa Bárcena: “Lanchitas”
Juan Montalvo: “Gaspar Blondín”
Vicente Riva Palacio: “El matrimonio desigual”
Ricardo Palma: “El alacrán de fray Gómez”
Eduardo Wilde: “Alma callejera”
Carlos Martínez Silva: “El baile de las sombras”
Justo Sierra: “La fiebre amarilla”
Eduardo Ladislao Holmberg: “El ruiseñor y el artista”
Clorinda Matto de Turner: “Tambo de Montero”
José Martí: “Cuchillo de plata fina”
Manuel Gutiérrez Nájera: “Rip-Rip el aparecido”
José Asunción Silva: “La misa de las sombras”
Rubén Darío: “La extraña muerte de Fray Pedro”
Baldomero Lillo: “El anillo”
Amado Nervo: “El del espejo”
Leopoldo Lugones: “La fuerza Omega”
Horacio Quiroga: “La llama”
José Antonio Ramos Sucre: “La alucinada”

Spanish-English Glossary


ISBN 978-1-58977-068-3 (PB) $20