"90 Monologues from Classical Spanish Theater in Spanish and English," Edited by Barbara Fuchs, Jennifer L. Monti, and Laura Muñoz
Spanish classical theater offers one of the most popular and vibrant dramatic repertoires ever produced in the West, with rich roles for both male and female parts. This dual-language anthology provides fresh monologues in both a comic and a tragic vein, in the original Spanish and a variety of verse and prose translations into English.
“Finally! A treasure trove of 90 monologues from 34 works by 8 of Spain’s classical dramatists! At last, actors can explore the rich poetry of the texts and the surprisingly complex psychology of the characters, in both the original and in contemporary English translations that will surprise and delight those unfamiliar with these works, or who know them only in the tired translations often used in the past. A cornucopia of dramatic and comedic choices, with especially meaty monologues for female actors, this collection will provide actors, directors, and dramaturgs a peek into the vast production of this vibrant theatrical tradition.” —Susan Paun de García, President, Association for Hispanic Classical Theater
“Spanish Golden Age theater remains the greatest hidden treasure trove of vibrant, dynamic plays in the world’s classical repertory. It was an actor’s theater, full of juicy roles and great stage opportunities, for both women and men. This anthology of monologues for the first time opens up these opportunities to today’s actors.” —Harley Erdman, playwright, translator, and Professor of Theater, University of Massachusetts at Amherst.
This book includes:
Dramatic Monologues: Female Roles
Laurencia pide venganza / Laurencia urges revenge: Lope de Vega, Fuente Ovejuna
[and 24 more]
Dramatic Monologues: Male Roles
Segismundo desea la libertad / Segismundo longs for freedom: Pedro Calderón de la Barca, La vida es sueño / Life is a Dream
[and 31 more]
Comic Monologues: Female Roles
Leonarda decide no volver a casarse / Leonarda decides not to remarry: Lope de Vega, La viuda valenciana / The Widow of Valencia
[and 7 more]
Comic Monologues: Male Roles
Castaño decide hacerse pasar por mujer / Castaño decides to pass as a woman: Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, Los empeños de una casa / One House, Many Complications
[and 24 more]
Series: UCLA Center for 17th- and 18th-Century Studies: the Comedia in Translation and Performance, #1
ISBN 978-1-58871-320-9 (PB) $28